Sunday, November 27, 2005

By special request: happy hour photos

BCM Happy hour at the Turf. From left to right: Jessica (sorry about the pole), Sam, Wei, Susie, Ellie, Antonia, Caroline. Notice we're OUTSIDE - we're hard core, green to the bone.

BCM Happy hour at the Turf! From left to right: Tara, Sam, Nick H, Sandra, Ellie, Nuria.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Buy Nothing Day

The Thanksgiving holiday in the US is always the last thursday of November. The friday following Thanksgiving has become the single most important day of the year in retail shopping: the first day of the Christmas shopping season. As incentive, retailers now all have major sales starting on friday of Thanksgiving weekend. What better day, then, for those of us that don't "buy-in" (groan) to this consumers-gone-wild frenzy, to BUY NOTHING? Thats what Adbusters thought, and several years ago launched today as Buy Nothing Day. In the UK and Europe BND will be tomorrow, Saturday, Nov 26th. If nothing else, its a useful tool to get you to think about what you consume in a day. Check out this part of the website to see what's going on in the London area, and for ideas on how you can get the message out there.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Get published!

Ok, so I may have given those of you who are fine-tuning your next submission for Nature a little false hope - I'm not talking about academic publishing. However, if any of you are interested in writing any other kind of article, my friend Doug Bell is editor of a student magazine and website called Fat Controller. He's after some new writing on any topics ranging from travel, art, politics, environmental issues - anything you're passionate about. if you've got any ideas then email him at:

The magazine has a readership of about 80,000 UK students and would be a good place to test out some less conventional ideas you may have as he's quite open to unusual articles.

More critical mass - good show!

Lets have a drink and a chat!

Hey folks,
Lets meet today for drinks at the Turf tavern. Today around 5. See you there? Good!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Mittens greatly appreciated

Shot from the Critical Mass bike ride round Oxford on Thursday lunchtime. T'was a little chilly. Note Laura trying to cut up some unsuspecting guy in a yellow dayglow jacket - definitely not cricket.

Katrina again

Photos of Hurricane Katrina from Mississippi

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Piments d'Espelette

Piments d'Espelette
Originally uploaded by myblackboxrocks.
Organic image testing


Hi all,

Welcome to the blog, once I've invited you and you've set up an account (I know...yet another web account to remember...) still then you'll be able to post to the blog. Which in principle should be good.
